educate. Talkshow on OT301 Radio

Last week, educate. had the pleasure of being on OT301 Radio for an hour long discussion about our work. We talked about Honduras, the structural issues of poverty, violence and inequality and the challenges in driving structural change in the area of education. We talked about the non-profit sector and its colonial roots, and how … Continue reading educate. Talkshow on OT301 Radio

“Poverty Porn” and Decolonizing Non-Profit Media: A How-To Guide

Narratives support broader power imbalances, so through narratives we can either choose to further entrench existing neo-colonial ideas of power and poverty, or we can strive to challenge these dominant narratives and be part of creating a shift in our world's collective imagination of countries, people and power that rejects neo-colonial power imbalances. Perhaps by changing the narrative, we can counter this imbalance.

The dark side of voluntourism: why development work needs to prioritize local leadership

Even if you haven’t yet heard the term ‘voluntourism,’ you almost certainly are familiar with the phenomenon it refers to. Its imagery and advertising are everywhere – resume-building, perspective-changing opportunities to build a well/teach English/help at an orphanage somewhere in the global South, for a price. Such a combination of volunteering and tourism appeals to … Continue reading The dark side of voluntourism: why development work needs to prioritize local leadership

Two new libraries once again show the power of community leadership

This past summer, two new educate.-funded libraries were inaugurated in Honduras. Both were located at small, rural public primary schools, where one teacher has all students from first through sixth grade in a single classroom - no small feat, especially with the limited resources both of these schools struggle with. Both projects were also led … Continue reading Two new libraries once again show the power of community leadership