School Partnerships

Service learning and awareness of global issues is an integral part of education in today’s world. By partnering with educate., your school can give students a unique experience in learning about issues that exist in today’s world and what they can do as global citizens to make real, sustainable change in a way that is grassroots and community-focused. We aim to promote a “learning mindset” in students who engage in partnerships with us, where students are encouraged to learn about Honduras and from the schools and communities they partner with.

We’d love to work with you and your school to come up with a partnership that suits you! This can involve:

  • A direct link with a Honduran school of community where fund-raising at your school goes directly towards supporting a specific project in Honduras such as a school library or our scholarship programme. As part of this, we can also organise letter and video exchanges with the aim of promoting inter-cultural learning.
  • Critical service learning and global citizenship education workshops/guest speakers. In Amsterdam, we can come in person to run a workshop or a guest speaker event for students, or we can conduct one over Zoom. This gives students a chance to engage directly with our team, ask questions, and gain a deeper understanding of what goes on “behind the scenes”.
  • Spanish-language book drives (if applicable to the context of your school, e.g. you are located in Central America where books can be easily transported)
  • A learning-focused student trip to Honduras.
  • Internship opportunities for students who show exemplary engagement and leadership want to dig deeper and work with our team, either in Honduras or remotely.

Our partnerships with schools allow students of all ages to work on real, impactful projects through educate.. On a broad scale, they provide insight into the field of charitable/aid work and the multitude of issues associated with it (from the practical to the ethical), and on a smaller scale the projects teach the students about individual communities and their needs and how small-scale projects can create a deep impact. Additionally, these projects give students opportunities to develop skills in related fields including research, project organisation, and marketing and fundraising.

In these partnerships, educate. and the communities we work with undertake all the logistical planning of the projects themselves, and our partners schools support projects that suit the students’ interests and abilities. Every school is different, and we can tailor our partnerships to individual schools, working with classes, year groups, clubs, student committees, or any other format that suits the needs and goals of your school.

As an organisation, our projects empower children and youth in Honduras, but by involving and working with youth at schools around the world, we also empower them to learn about issues of global citizenship and to use their abilities to make change. Students take their learning with them beyond these projects to become global citizens who understand the issues that our world faces in greater complexity and who use their privilege to make this world a more just and equal place.

This video shows some grade 6 students from the International School of Panama in Panama City reflecting on a book drive that they organised for educate..

We would love to see how we can get your school involved! You can reach out to us here.