
Want to support educate.‘s work and develop your skills? Join our team! We have groups of volunteers who work in specific areas both in Honduras and in Amsterdam. To learn more about how our teams are structured, see our team page.

We are also open to students who want to do internships with us for university credit.


Honduras Vacancies

Programme Officer Internship

Come and work with us in Honduras for a period of 6 months (or more!) as an integral part of our team on the ground! You’ll be involved in running programmes with and for our community of local youth, supporting with fundraising and project administration, carrying out impact assessments, and seeing the direct impacts of your work throughout your time with us.

Someone from our team will pick you up at the airport, provide training, and we cover room and board throughout your time with us. Start date is flexible.

Research Internships

If you are conducting field research for your Masters or PhD on themes related to education, youth empowerment, gender equity or rural development, we are open to help facilitate field-level research projects in the area we work. We can also propose topics where research is needed locally.

Amsterdam team vacancies

We have a volunteer team in Amsterdam focused on fundraising and supporting with communications. If you’re interested in getting involved, contact us!